Best mask to keep out water

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Best mask to keep out water

I found this helpful to pick out the right mask

Fit is the key

The best mask for you is the mask that fits. I have a small face and high cheekbones...the dive shop that I bought my mask from had me try on multiple masks, multiple different styles (single lens, multi lens, low volume etc..) and 2 fit. The one that fit the best happened to be the cheapest (I got lucky) I rarely have to clear my mask. I have watched people pick masks because of the color or the brand and they usually have problems with them and spend a lot of time clearing them or most of their dives with water floating in the bottom of it...I would highly suggest trying multiple masks on and picking one based on the perfect fit.

BTW...I have a Sub Gear Sprite

Mask trick for men

I have used many different masks, some great, some not so great. The one thing they all had in common was leaking when I wasn't completely clean shaven. I knew about some men using vaseline to enhance the seal, but I never thought it would actually work. Well it does, big time. Use it gents!
